Euclid Lodge Library

Euclid Lodge Library

Freemason Information & Knowledge 

Masonic Lodge of EducationPietre Stone

Masonic InformationMasonic World

What is FreemasonryFreemason Information

The Sanctum SanctorumPhilalethes Society

The Masonic TrowelMasons for masons

Ask a freemason

Organizations & Appending Bodies

Scottish RiteShriners International

York RiteDemolay (Clifton, NJ)

Order of Eastern StarRainbow Girls




Title Author
Mayan Masonry Richard  Cassaro
Mackey’s history of Free Masonry Richard  Cassaro
Encyclopedia Of Free Masonry A-L Mackey
Encyclopedia Of Free Masonry M-Z Mackey
FM and Concordant Orders 4 copies Board of Editors
Templars in America Tim Wallace Murphy
10,000 Famous Masons A-D William Denslow
10,000 Famous Masons K-P William Denslow
Living Architecture ROMAN Gilbert Picardo
Symbols Of The Three Degrees (1,2,3) Oliver Day Street
History of FM Vol.1-4 R Gould @ E Carson
The History of FM History of Scottish
William Singleton
Washington: The man and The Mason
2 copies
Charles Callahan
FM and its Kindred Sciences Mackey
History of FM Throughout The World Vol.1-6 Robert Gould
A Library of FM Vol.1,2,3,4,5 Robert Gould
Little Masonic Library Vol. 1-5 Souchern
Born in Blood (2 copies) John Robinson
Freemasons for Dummies Christopher Hodapp
Complete Idiots Guide to Freemasonry S Brent Morris
Solomon Builders ,Secrets Of Washington DC Christopher Hodapp
Written in Stone Richard  Cassaro
Knights Templar Stephen Howarth
Treasury of Masonic Thought Carl Glick
Angels and Demons Dan Brown
A Country With No Name Sebastian de Grazia
Lifetime of Positive thinking Ruth Peal
Meaning Of Masonry W.L. Wilmhurst
Black Masonry Cecile Revauger
Voices an Visions Helen Vendler
History Or Palestine Commandery compiled by Commandery
Director of Ceremonies Charles Carter
Freemasonry and its Etiquette William Preston
Famous Masons and Presidents H.L. Haywood
The Brotherhood Stephen Knight
The Short talk Bulletins  Vol.2-5 MSA of North America
Let Me Tell You a Story Tony Campolo
Free Masonry and The Birth of Modern Science Robert Lomas
Constitution and Bylaws GLNJ  2 copies
Signs and symbols 12 lectures George Oliver
Revelations of a Square George Oliver
Mystic Tie Albert Mackey
First Historical report for Brooklyn Masonic Veterans 1888 1894 Br william Gardner
Masonic Laws and Practice Luke Lockwood
St John’s Lodge # 1 NYC
Book of The Lodge ?
Minutes No.12 Euclid 136 Hoboken
Encyclopedia of FM  2 copies Authur Waite
Encyclopedia of FM  Vol.1&2 Mackey
Library of FM Goulds
Signs in Symbols illustrated Adele Nozedar
George Washington Memorial 2002/03
annual report
Anti Masonry Alphonse Creza
Illustrations The Symbols of Masonry Jacob Ernest
The Men’s House Joseph Newton
Freemasons Monitor E.T. Carlson
19 small books ( we have 11 of 19) VARIOUS
1) Masonic Jurisprudence
2)York and Scottish rite
3)Mormonism and Masonry
4)The Comacines
5) Ethics of Free Masonry
6) The Old Past Master
7) The Great light In Masonry
8) Anderson’s Constitution 1723
9)The Landmarks of Masonry
10) The 3 Degrees and Great Symbols of Masonry
11) A Masters Wages
Inventing Hell Jon Sweeney
Lodge Copy of Constitution and Bylaws 1931
The 5 Jewels of The Orient Juliet Burton 1872
The Craft and its Symbols Allen Roberts
The Builders Story and Study Masonry Joseph Newton
NJ Master Mason Oct  to Dec 1925
July to Sept and Oct to Dec 1926
Jan to March ,April to June and Oct Nov 1927 July to Sept 1927
Annual proceedings of GL of NJ 1928,29,30,34,33,35,35,41,42,43,45,46,47,48,49,50,53,53,55,56
The History of Free Masonry Vol. 1-7 Mackey ,/Singleton
The Secret teachings for all The ages Manley P Hall
The Meaning of Masonry W.L. Wilmhurst
Complete Book of Correspondences Sandra Kynes
Psychic Self Defense Dion Fortune
Observing The Craft Andrew Hammer
The 32 Secret Paths of Solomon Timothy Hogan
The Tibetan Book of The Dead Dalai Lama
Words to The wise Manley P Hall
Mystical Qabalah Dion Fortune
Morals and Dogma Albert Pike
The Training and Work of an Initiate Dion Fortune
Ancient Egyptian Book of The Dead Raymond O. Faulkner
Sefer Yetzirah Aryeh Kaplan
The Lost Keys of Freemasonry Manley P Hall
Inside a Magical Lodge John Michael Greer
The Kybalion
The Torah 5 books of Books
New Encyclopedia Of Freemasonry Arthur Edward Waite
I Just Didn’t Know That Rev Neville Barker Cryer
Masonic Membership of The Founding Fathers Ronald E Heaton
The Meaning of Masonry W.L. Wilmsh
The Beginnings of FM in America Melvin M Johnson
Born in Blood John J Robertson
The Freemasons The Illustrated Book of an Ancient Craft Michael Johnstone
Divided Waters Naval history of Civil War Ivan Musicant
Lincoln President Elect The Great Secession winter 1860-1861 Harold Holzer
To Try Men’s Souls George Washington and The fight for American Freedom Newt Gingrich and William  Forstchen
The lessons of History Michael Howard
Vindicating Lincoln Thomas Krannawitter
The Jersey Brothers Sally Mott Freeman
A Traditional Observance Lodge Cliff Porter
Fiat Lux The  Philalethes Society Jack Buta
Macoy’s Modern Worshipful Master Michael Halleran
Philalethes  Vol. 72
Freemasonry rituals, symbols and
Mark Stavish
Born in Blood
Duncan Ritual of Free Masonry Malcolm Duncan
Hitler’s Last Days Bill O’Reilly
The Killing Of Patton Bill O’Reilly
Killing Kennedy Bill O’Reilly
Andrew Jackson and The Miracle of
New Orleans
killmead / Yager
Killing Of The Rising Sun Bill O’Reilly
Killing of The SS Bill O’Reilly
The Prophet Kahlil Gibran
Mirrors of The Soul Kahlil Gibran
Reagan an American Journey Bob Spitz
The Real west Bill O’Reilly
OLD SCHOOL Bill O’Reilly
Killing Reagan Bill O’Reilly